
Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

GraphQL Federation Pet Project


This is a pet project aimed at gaining practical experience with GraphQL Federation. The project is built with a microservices architecture, where users can write posts and leave comments. The system consists of the following services:

Name Description Status
Users Service Manages user information and authentication GitHub Actions
Posts Service Handles the creation, updating, and retrieval of posts GitHub Actions
Comments Service Manages comments on posts GitHub Actions
Scheduled Events Service Manages scheduled events GitHub Actions

all of which are subgraphs in the overall GraphQL federation supergraph.

Backend Stack

  • Kotlin
  • Java (Version: 21)
  • Spring Boot
  • Netflix DGS (Domain Graph Service)
  • AWS SNS/SQS (for messaging)
  • Postgres (for database)
  • Gradle (for build automation)

Frontend Stack

  • TypeScript
  • React.js
  • React Material (for UI components)
  • Apollo Client (for GraphQL client-side operations)



  • Java Version: 21
  • Gradle can work with any Java version from 8 to 17. Gradle will automatically download and use the required Java version (21) using the toolchain.


  • Node Version: 18.20.2
  • It is recommended to use NVM (Node Version Manager) for managing Node.js versions.


  • Docker is used to set up the necessary infrastructure. Localstack is used to replicate AWS APIs locally, and Postgres is used directly.

Setup Instructions

General setup

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd <repository-directory>
  2. Install JDK: You could use any way of installation, for an example SdkMan

  3. Install NVM: Follow the instructions at NVM GitHub page ( or NVM for Windows GitHub page for Windows users) to install NVM.

  4. Install Node.js:

    nvm install 18.20.2
    nvm use 18.20.2

Backend Setup

  1. Install Java: Ensure you have Java 8 to 17 installed. Gradle will manage the required version (21) using the toolchain.

  2. Build and run the required service:

    • Users service:
    ./gradlew :app-users-service:bootRun
    • Posts service:
    ./gradlew :app-posts-service:bootRun
    • Comments service:
    ./gradlew :app-comments-service:bootRun
    • Scheduled Events service:
    ./gradlew :app-scheduled-events-service:bootRun

Gateway Setup

  1. Change current directory:

    cd app-gateway
  2. Install Dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Run the gateway:

    npm serve

NOTE: Using gateway UI to play with GraphQL unsure that cookies are enabled in settings.

Frontend Setup

  1. Change current directory:

    cd app-client-web
  2. Install Dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Run the Frontend:

    npm serve

Docker Setup

  1. Install Docker: Follow the instructions at Docker's official website to install Docker.

  2. Start Docker Containers:

    • add --build argument if you want to rebuild services (and Docker images as well)
    • add --test argument if you want to


Feel free to fork this repository and submit pull requests. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.