
An HP ILO Prometheus Exporter

Primary LanguageJava


A Prometheus Exporter used to export HP ILO metrics This uses the rest api provided by the ILO on HP servers to expose metrics the node exporter does not. This includes:

  • Power Reading
  • Fan speeds in percentages
  • all temperatures monitored by ilo.
  • disk drive status

Supported iLO Versions:

  • iLO 4
  • iLO 5

Example Usage: ilo-metrics

build via maven as self-executable jar:

mvn clean package

The exporter can be run in several ways:

standalone run on linux with env

env ILO_USERNAME=... ILO_PASSWORD=... ILO_HOSTS=.... java -jar target/ilo-exporter-jar-with-dependencies.jar


docker run -d -e ILO_USERNAME=... -e ILO_PASSWORD=... -e ILO_HOSTS=.... starfusionmz/ilo-exporter


kubectl apply -f 	iloexporter-deployment.yaml 

The exporter is configured via environment variables:

variable description
ILO_USERNAME username to talk to ilo
ILO_PASSWORD password used to login into ilo
ILO_HOSTS comma separated list of ilo hosts. Supports sequential expansion for ipv4 addressess e.g.
ILO_PORT port to listen on for metrics http server. defaults to 9416
ILO_CACHEREFRESH how often the ilo cache should be refreshed. default is (PT30S)30 seconds defined in iso8601 duration