
This is a travel-test website based on Udemy J course

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Travel Test App version 1.0.0

This is a demo fullstack travel test app created using react hooks

for backend code or other versions see branch details

local file: C:\Users\arhoy\Desktop\gitHubSamples\templates\travel-test

Fullstack travel test app has the following features

  • Creating 1 travel test task list per logged in user with the following characters

    • changing the completion of the travel test status on the front and backend
    • Displaying total number of travel tests and number of travel tests completed to the user
    • Adding, editing, deleting and changing the status of the travel test to
      • in progress, uncompleted, completed with double click or double tap
  • Login and Register

    • Private and Public Routes
    • Logging in and out with local storage
    • Storing user name, email, hashed password in mongo db atlas

Other Specs

  • UI

    • Fully mobile, user experience friendly and adapting to screen size
    • Styling using SCSS and BEM hierarchy.
    • 4 pages/routes: Landing page, Login page, Register Page and travel test page.
    • User alerts for validation and error handling
  • Backend

    • All logic implemented with Node/Express
      • Error handling using express/validator
  • FrontEnd

    • React/Redux
    • React Hooks, React is all functional component based.

See backend V1 For full backend.