

Primary LanguageJavaScript



NBA Router

Learning Objectives

  • Use react-router-dom v5 to handle page transitions
  • Use a Router to handle our page changes
  • Use the useParams hook to to grab parameters from our url
  • Use the useHistory hook to programatically navigate to pages
  • use the useLocation hook to grab query paremeters from the URL
  • Use the Switch component to render routes
  • Use the Link component to change between views.
  • Use MemoryRouter to test our app navigation
  • Use the initialEntries prop to add history to our app navigation
  • Use the initialIndex prop to set a page in our app for testing


React is great at building single page applications AKA SPAs. A single page applications uses only one .html file to make up the entire application and React handles switching out different views based on the URL. React doesn't have a built in Router so we use the react-router-dom library to give React this ability to switch out components. React router dom provides use with multiple custom hooks including useParams, useHistory, and useLocation to help manage our state. It also gives us multiple components like Switch, BrowserRouter and Route, and Link to navigate around our application

For this project you will be creating a list/detail view for data retrieved from an api of your choice. You'll be using React Router to navigate to a detail page that shows specific information about the selected item.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Render a list of items returned from an API of your choice
  • View a details page when clicking an item from the list
  • URL updates when visiting details page
  • Details page continues to work on page refresh
  • Tests check navigation from list view to details page
    • Test checks for a list of items on the list view, then a single item after navigating to the detail view


Task Points
List/Detail Page 3
uses useLocation, useParams, and/or useHistory 3
A list of items are shown on page load 2
Detail Page info remains on page refresh 2
Use a Switch Component inside of Router 2
Testing Navigation with MemoryRouter 3
Testing details page directly with initialEntries prop 3
Deployed on Netlify with passing CI 2