Learning Objectives

  • Use Express middleware to ensure requests are authenticated
  • Use cookies to store user data
  • Use JWTs for storing user data in cookies
  • Sign & verify JWTs to ensure validitity


You’ve been hired by the Department of Defense to build a new service for their intranet: an API for storing top secret, confidential information. Your first task is to build an API and database schema for storing user emails & (hashed) passwords, as well as endpoints for creating and listing notes that can only be accessed by authenticated users. No UI is required; everything can be done via an API.

Secret Model:

field type
id bigint (generated)
title text (required)
description text (required)
created_at timestamp (autogenerated)

Acceptance Criteria

Approach this deliverable vertically, meaning that you should write a test and any model/controller methods for a single route (i.e. not writing all the tests, then all the models, then all the controllers). Your git commit history needs to show a vertical approach.

  • Git history shows a vertical approach

  • Users can register using email & password

  • Users can log in using email & password

  • Passwords are hashed when stored in the database

  • User information is stored in a cookie when signed in

  • Cookie contains a signed JWT of the user record

    • The User model instance should be an object with an id & email, but without the password hash!
  • Logged in users can view top secrets by visiting /api/v1/secrets

  • Logged in users can create new secrets by POSTing to /api/v1/secrets

  • STRETCH: Only allow user sign ups if their email ends with

  • STRETCH: User model stores the user’s first and last name as well


Task Points
POST { email, password } to /api/v1/users/sessions logs in a user 4
DELETE /api/v1/users/sessions logs out a user 4
POST { email, password } to /api/v1/users creates a new user 4
GET /api/v1/secrets returns a list of secrets ([{ title, description, createdAt }]) 2
Each route is tested 2
Git history shows vertical approach 4
Password is stored in plaintext/password hash is stored in the JWT -5