-- option A add button
--Why? 💥💥💥 Add event listener to increment the vote count for option A in the current poll
-- option B add button
--Why? 💥💥💥 Add event listener to increment the vote count for option B in the current poll
-- option A subtract/undo button
--Why? 💥💥💥 Add event listener to decrement the vote count for option A in the current poll
-- option B subtract/undo buttons
--Why? 💥💥💥 Add event listener to decrement the vote count for option B in the current poll
-- create poll form
--Why? Add 'submit' listener to (not a click listener) to the form itself!
-- three inputs
(question, option 1, option 2)
--Why? Figure out the user's question and options
--Why? 💥💥💥 On submit, update the current poll question and options, and reflect that in the DOM
-- 1 'close poll' button
--Append the current poll to the past polls state []
--"Update the list"
--clear DOM of the list
--Use a for loop to loop through all past polls, create some DOM and display each past poll in the list
--Clear out/reset current poll state and DOM.
-- current poll section
--Why? a bunch of empty divs that we will inject state into (question, options, and vote totals)
-- empty div for closed polls history/list (for appending to)
--Why? A place to put the history