- 'destination' div for all the workshops
- we will dynamically create workshops. Each workshop also has a list of participants. That list will also need to be dynamically generated
- link to create page
- On load
- Fetch all workshops (with participants)
- for each workshop:
- loop through participants. for each participant, render and append participant element to workshop element
- render and append workshop element to list element
- for each workshop:
- Fetch all workshops (with participants)
- On click of participant
- delete the participant
- rerender the list
- We need a form!
- On submit
- Create the participant
- then navigate back to the workshop list
- On load
- Fetch workshops from supabase
- Loop through workshops
- For each workshop, render and append an option to the dropdown
--/// returns a DOM node the participant (don't worry about this passing in github CI.
---//// Use the skip instead of test
when you push it to github. That way github actions won't count it against you.
---//// do run the test locally
---//// include a screenshot
of the passing test in your repo.
--/// fetch all participants
in supabase. (These workshops are the same for everybody in the cohort and do not 'belong' to any particular user. Your participants will show up only for you)
--/// create participant
in supabase and attach it to a workshop
--/// delete a participant
in supabase