
Game built with Javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Don Bulihno Del Taco

Meet Bulihno, the world's most famous 'Dogster'. He got thrown in dog-jail for bone-trafficking and he needs your help to get back home before the Cat Mob takes over his town! First step: let's escape jail..

The game

Use the left and right arrow on the keyboard to move Bulihno. If you get to close to and animal control officer, you will lose a 'life' (one heart on the left top board). You can win a life back everytime you get to 3 tacos up to 4 hearts (keep track on the right top board)! After 20 seconds a red door will appear and you will be able to escape. If you do, you will access the next level, which means the officers will move faster and the tacos will get harder to catch.. Good luck!