
A simple Clojure(script) library to encode binary data in different bases using alphabets.

Primary LanguageClojureThe UnlicenseUnlicense


CircleCI API codox

A simple cross-compiled Clojure(Script) library to handle encoding binary data in different bases using defined alphabets. If you've ever wanted a simple way to encode a byte array as hexadecimal or base58, this library is for you!


Library releases are published on Clojars. To use the latest version with Leiningen, add the following dependency to your project definition:

Clojars Project


  • alphabase.bytes namespace for generic byte-array handling
  • alphabase.core with arbitrary alphabet support
  • alphabase.hex and alphabase.base58 with convenience wrappers


The unit tests can be run using the following commands:

# Clojure tests
lein clj:test

# ClojureScript tests on Rhino
lein cljs:test

For a REPL, you can use these:

# Clojure REPL
lein repl

# ClojureScript REPL on Rhino
rlwrap lein cljs:repl


This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. See the UNLICENSE file for more information.