This is a cross-compiled Clojure/CLJS library implementing the multiformats standards which specify self-describing value formats.
This library includes support for:
- Unbounded msb varint encoding.
- Flexible multibase string encoding.
- Portable cryptographic hashes.
- Concise packed codec identifiers.
- IPLD CID content identifiers.
- TODO: multiaddr
- TODO: multistream
WARNING: This is still a work in progress.
Library releases are published on Clojars. To use the latest version with Leiningen, add the following dependency to your project definition:
Each format may be used separately, though some build on others.
Multibase is a protocol for distinguishing base encodings and other simple string encodings, and for ensuring full compatibility with program interfaces. Binary data encoded as a string is first prefixed with a character which signals the encoding used for the remainder of the text.
=> (require '[alphabase.bytes :as b])
=> (require '[multiformats.base :as mbase])
; lookup supported base encodings
=> (take 8 (keys mbase/bases))
(:base16 :base32hex :base64pad :base64urlpad :base2 :base32 :BASE16 :base64)
=> (def data (b/random-bytes 16))
; use format to convert byte data into an encoded string
=> (mbase/format :base16 data)
=> (mbase/format :BASE32HEX data)
; use parse to convert encoded strings back into bytes
=> (b/bytes= data (mbase/parse *1))
=> (mbase/inspect *2)
{:base :BASE32HEX, :prefix "V"}
Multihash is a protocol for differentiating outputs from various well-established cryptographic hash functions, addressing size and encoding considerations.
=> (require '[multiformats.hash :as mhash])
; manual hash construction
=> (def mh (mhash/create :sha1 "2aae6c35c94fcfb415dbe95f408b9ce91ee846ed"))
=> mh
#<multiformats.hash.Multihash@318a6d43 hash:sha1:2aae6c35c94fcfb415dbe95f408b9ce91ee846ed>
; hash properties
=> (:length mh)
=> (:code mh)
=> (:algorithm mh)
=> (:bits mh)
=> (:digest mh)
; encode to/from bytes
=> (mhash/encode mh)
#bin "ERQqrmw1yU/PtBXb6V9Ai5zpHuhG7Q=="
=> (mhash/decode *1)
#<multiformats.hash.Multihash@20623460 hash:sha1:2aae6c35c94fcfb415dbe95f408b9ce91ee846ed>
=> (= mh *1)
; render as fully encoded hex
=> (mhash/hex mh)
For convenience, several hashing functions are provided for direct digest construction. These produce multihashes and may be used to test validity.
; available functions
=> mhash/functions
{:md5 #<Fn@634b0a25 multiformats.hash/md5>,
:sha1 #<Fn@42c50751 multiformats.hash/sha1>,
:sha2-256 #<Fn@736fb22c multiformats.hash/sha2_256>,
:sha2-512 #<Fn@25703362 multiformats.hash/sha2_512>}
; produce a new hash
=> (mhash/sha2-256 "hello world")
#<multiformats.hash.Multihash@1fda7e5a hash:sha2-256:b94d27b9934d3e08a52e52d7da7dabfac484efe37a5380ee9088f7ace2efcde9>
; test for correctness
=> (mhash/test *1 "hello world")
=> (mhash/test *2 "foo bar baz")
Multicodec is a multiformat which wraps other formats with a tiny bit of self-description. A multicodec identifier may either be a varint (in a byte string) or a character (in a text string).
=> (require '[multiformats.codec :as mcodec])
; resolve a code or key to a keyword name
=> (mcodec/resolve-key :git-raw)
=> (mcodec/resolve-key 0x51)
; resolve a code or key to a numeric code
=> (mcodec/resolve-code :cbor)
=> (mcodec/resolve-code 0xb0)
; register a new code
=> (mcodec/register! :foo-format 0x0abc)
CID is a self-describing content-addressed identifier. It uses cryptographic hashing to identify content, multicodec packed codes to label the content type, and multibase to encode the final identifier into a string.
=> (require '[multiformats.cid :as cid])
; manual cid construction
=> (def cid (cid/create :cbor (mhash/create :sha1 "2aae6c35c94fcfb415dbe95f408b9ce91ee846ed")))
=> cid
#<multiformats.cid.ContentID@48826a03 cidv1:cbor:sha1:2aae6c35c94fcfb415dbe95f408b9ce91ee846ed>
; cid properties
=> (:length cid)
=> (:version cid)
=> (:code cid)
=> (:codec cid)
=> (:bits cid)
=> (:hash cid)
#<multiformats.hash.Multihash@43a28cdb hash:sha1:2aae6c35c94fcfb415dbe95f408b9ce91ee846ed>
; encode to/from bytes
=> (cid/encode cid)
#bin "AVERFCqubDXJT8+0FdvpX0CLnOke6Ebt"
=> (cid/decode *1)
#<multiformats.cid.ContentID@58e91e3a cidv1:cbor:sha1:2aae6c35c94fcfb415dbe95f408b9ce91ee846ed>
=> (= cid *1)
; render as strings
=> (cid/format cid)
=> (cid/format :base58btc cid)
=> (= cid (cid/parse *1))
; inspection
=> (cid/inspect *2)
{:base :base64,
:prefix "m",
:length 24,
:version 1,
:code 81,
:codec :cbor,
:hash #<multiformats.hash.Multihash@47bd421b hash:sha1:2aae6c35c94fcfb415dbe95f408b9ce91ee846ed>}
This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. See the UNLICENSE file for more information.