A single-file header only library for simple drawing and image manipulation in pure C. It has basic shape drawing function (circle, rectangle, lines), built-in pixel font, basic image processing (blur, median filter, etc) and STB image interoperability (optional). My main purpose is to use this as the complimentary for mint library to give image annotations.
#include "potlot.h"
#include "stb_image.h"
int main(void) {
int img_width;
int img_height;
int img_channels;
unsigned char *img_stbi = stbi_load("rabbit.jpg", &img_width,
&img_height, &img_channels, 0);
plt_image *img = plt_from_stbi_uc_rgb(img_stbi, img_width, img_height);
plt_rect_fill(img, 230, 10, 400, 200, 0x1155ff, 0.3);
plt_rect_draw(img, 230, 10, 400, 200, 0x1155ff, 4);
plt_rect_fill(img, 230, 200, 400, 216, 0x1155ff, 1);
plt_text_draw_scaled(img, "rabbit, 95%", 234, 204, 0xffffff, 2);
plt_save_ppm(img, "rabbit_annotated.ppm");