
A linux container running Unity3D & AirSim

Primary LanguageDockerfile

AirSim Container

A Linux container running Unity3D & AirSim.

Note: nvidia-docker2 and cuda >= 10.0 is required to run this container.

Building the Unity3D Docker Container

Building the container will take a while.

Note: This step is not required. A pre-built container is downloaded on the first run.

$] git clone https://github.com/thomasquintana/AirSimContainer.git
$] sudo docker build -t thomasquintana/unity3d-airsim:latest AirSimContainer

Running the Unity3D Docker Container

For a GUI Application to run, an XServer is needed which is not available inside the container.

In order to share the host's XServer with the container use the following flags.

  • --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw"
  • --env="DISPLAY"

In order to share the host's network stack with the container use the following flag.

  • --net=host
$] sudo docker run --runtime=nvidia -i -t --net=host --env="DISPLAY" --volume="$HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority:rw" thomasquintana/unity3d-airsim:latest