User Service

This service manages users for a company.

Rather than connecting to an external data source, the service manipulates an in-memory collection, meaning the collection is reset when the server restarts.

Local Setup

# Prerequisites (if not already installed)
brew install nvm
nvm install 14
npm i -g nodemon

# Switch to Node 14
nvm use

# Install dependencies
npm i

# Run

The application will run at http://localhost:3000 (the port can be changed in index.js).

Note: nodemon will restart the server for every code change. If you don't want this, you can run node index.js instead; you will have to restart the server manually to propagate any code changes.



    "username": "string",
    "firstName": "string",
    "lastName": "string"


    "firstName": "string",
    "lastName": "string"


    "error": "string"


The following endpoints are included in the Postman collection (see postman.json). If you don't have Postman installed, you can download it at To import a collection, select Import in the top-left corner, then select Upload Files and choose postman.json in this directory. You can also use the cURL commands in

  1. Health check
  2. Get all users
  3. Get a specific user by username
  4. Create a new user
  5. Update an existing user by username or create a new one with a specific username
  6. Delete a specific user by username

Health check


  • Endpoint: GET /health


  • Status: 200 OK
    • Description: The health check always returns a 200 OK response.

Get all users


  • Endpoint: GET /users


  • Status: 200 OK
    • Description: The users are successfully returned (with [] if there are no users).
    • Body: User[]
    • Header: Content-Type gives the format of the response (application/json).

Get a specific user by username


  • Endpoint: GET /users/{username}
    • username is the username of the user.


  • Status: 200 OK
    • Description: The user with the specified user is returned.
    • Body: User
    • Header: Content-Type gives the format of the response (application/json).
  • Status: 404 Not Found
    • Description: No user with the specified username was found.

Create a new user


  • Endpoint: POST /users
  • Body: User


  • Status: 201 Created
    • Description: The user was successfully created.
    • Header: Location gives the address of the new user.
  • Status: 400 Bad Request
    • Description: Something is wrong with the request body.
    • Body: Error
    • Header: Content-Type gives the format of the response (application/json).

Update an existing user by username or create a new one with a specific username


  • Endpoint: PUT /users/{username}
    • username is the username of the user.
  • Body: UserUpdate


  • Status: 204 No Content
    • Description: The user was successfully updated.
  • Status: 201 Created
    • Description: The user was successfully created.
    • Header: Location gives the address of the new user.
  • Status: 400 Bad Request
    • Description: Something is wrong with the request body.
    • Body: Error
    • Header: Content-Type gives the format of the response (application/json).

Delete a specific user by username


  • Endpoint: DELETE /users/{username}
    • username is the username of the user.


  • Status: 204 No Content
    • Description: The user was successfully deleted.
  • Status: 404 Not Found
    • Description: No user with the specified username was found.