
Storm Solr Integration

Primary LanguageJava

Storm Solr Integration

Integrates Storm and Apache Solr by providing a generic and configurable backtype.storm.Bolt implementation that create Solr indexes based on your Storm Tuple objects.

Using as a Maven dependency

Building from Source

	$ mvn install

Declare it in your pom.xml



Basic Usage

The SimpleSolrBolt class provides a convenience constructor that takes only the URL where Solr is running as argument:

	IRichBolt solrBolt = new SimpleSolrBolt("http://localhost:8983/solr");

The above constructor will create a SolrBolt that writes to the "http://localhost:8983/solr" Solr instance. The idea here is to convert a Tuple into a SolrInputDocument.

For each field in the backtype.storm.Tuple received, the SimpleSolrBolt will write a SolrInputField into a SolrInputDocument. So keep in mind that you must have your tuple fields defined in your solr schema.xml.

For example, given a tuple value of:

	{id: 12345, username: "joaopedro", full_name: "João Pedro"}

Your Solr schema.xml could be something like this :

  <field name="id"      	type="long"   	indexed="true"  stored="true"  multiValued="false" required="true"/>
  <field name="full_name"   type="string"   indexed="true"  stored="true"  multiValued="false" /> 
  <field name="username"    type="string"   indexed="true"  stored="true"  multiValued="false" /> 

Important note

For performance reasons SolrBolt is not responsible for committing. I highly recommend leaving this job for Apache Solr. Take a look at autoCommit feature.