
Point free wrappers for fantasy land

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Point free wrappers for fantasy land. Functions are curried using lodash's curry function](http://lodash.com/docs#curry), and receive their data last. Gives us aliases with our familar haskell names as well.

require('./pointfree-fantasy').expose(global); // or if browser pointfree.expose(window)
var Maybe = require('./pointfree-fantasy/instances/maybe');

// setup an easy test fn
var toUpperCase = function(x) { return x.toUpperCase(); };

map(toUpperCase, Maybe('mystring')) // Just("MYSTRING")
map(toUpperCase, Maybe(null)) // Nothing


  • I combinator
  • K combinator
  • compose, taking arbitrarily many functions
  • map, aliased fmap
  • ap
  • liftA2
  • liftA3
  • chain, takes chainable first, function last
  • flatMap, flipped chain
  • mjoin
  • concat, aliased mappend
  • mconcat, a monoidal reduction.
  • foldMap
  • fold