
Active learning benchmark for classification

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Pool-Based Active Learning Benchmark

This is an implementation of our paper: "Re-benchmarking Pool-Based Active Learning for Binary Classification"

We reproduce and re-benchmark the previous work: #SV74 A Comparative Survey: Benchmarking for Pool-based Active Learning

Update on 04/17, we notice that Zhan et al. released the source code: https://github.com/SineZHAN/ComparativeSurveyIJCAI2021PoolBasedAL

Update on 07/23, we merge our paper to the benchmark."A More Robust Baseline for Active Learning by Injecting Randomness to Uncertainty Sampling". Please change the branch to robust-baseline.

  • git checkout robust-baseline

Quick start

Call for Contribution and Future Work

We call for the community to further provide more experimental results to this benchmark. We provide below suggested future work:

  1. Models for tabular datasets
    • Random Forest
    • Gradient Boosting Decision Trees
  2. Tasks and domains
    • multi-class classifications
    • regression problems
    • image classifications
    • object detection
    • natural language processing
  3. Evaluation metrics
    • Deficiency score, Data Utilization Rate, Start Quality, and Average End Quality

How to start?

  1. Provide new datasets: we support LIBSVM dataset format.
    • Update data/get_data.sh to download more tabular data.
  2. Provide new query strategy: we support libact, Google, and ALiPy modules.
    • Update src/config.py to import new query strategies.
  3. Provide new experimental settings: we provide common settings as arguments.
    • Update src/main.py to adjust the settings such as the size of a test set, size of an initial labeled pool, query-oriented model, task-oriented model, etc.
cd data; bash get_data.sh  # download datasets
cd ..;
cd src; python main.py  # run experiments, you will see two CSV files. *-aubc.csv* and *-detail.csv*
python main.py -h  # call helper functions



Note. We only verify the installation steps on Ubuntu. Please raise the issue if you have any problem.

  1. (optional) apt install vim git python3 python3-venv build-essential gfortran libatlas-base-dev liblapacke-dev python3-dev -y
  2. git clone https://github.com/ariapoy/active-learning-benchmark.git act-benchmark; cd act-benchmark
  3. python3 -m venv act-env; source act-env/bin/activate
  4. pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. git clone https://github.com/ariapoy/active-learning.git
  6. git clone https://github.com/ariapoy/ALiPy.git alipy-dev; cp -r alipy-dev/alipy alipy-dev/alipy_dev
  7. git clone https://github.com/ariapoy/libact.git libact-dev; cd libact-dev; python setup.py build; python setup.py install; cd ..; cp -r libact-dev/libact libact-dev/libact_dev
  8. cd data; bash get_data_zhan21.sh; cd ..
  9. cd src; python main.py -h

Warning! If you use Python == 3.11

3. pip install -r requirements-3.11.txt

6. git clone https://github.com/ariapoy/libact.git libact-dev; cd libact-dev; LIBACT_BUILD_VARIANCE_REDUCTION=0 LIBACT_BUILD_HINTSVM=0 python setup.py build; LIBACT_BUILD_VARIANCE_REDUCTION=0 LIBACT_BUILD_HINTSVM=0 python setup.py install; cd ..; cp -r libact-dev/libact libact-dev/libact_dev

You CANNOT obtain the results of Hinted Support Vector Machine (HintSVM) and Variability Reduction (VR) for the benchmark.

Warning! If you use Python >= 3.10

  1. git clone https://github.com/ariapoy/ALiPy.git alipy-dev; cd alipy-dev; git checkout py3.10; cd .. ; cp -r alipy-dev/alipy alipy-dev/alipy_dev

Warning! If your env cannot support liblapack

  1. git clone https://github.com/ariapoy/libact.git libact-dev; cd libact-dev; LIBACT_BUILD_VARIANCE_REDUCTION=0 python setup.py build; LIBACT_BUILD_VARIANCE_REDUCTION=0 python setup.py install; cd ..; cp -r libact-dev/libact libact-dev/libact_dev

You CANNOT obtain the results of Variability Reduction (VR) for the benchmark.

Warning! If your OS is macOS.

0. brew install cmake

3. pip install -r requirements-macos.txt

Step-by-Step tutorial

Bellowing examples demonstrate how to use the benchmark for quick use, evaluating existing AL query strategies on your own datasets, and adding new AL query strategies for evaluating.

Running AL experiments

This is an example of running compatible uncertainty sampling (US-C) on Haberman dataset based on RBF kernel SVM.

python main.py --tool google --qs_name margin-zhan --hs_name google-zhan --gs_name zhan --seed 0 --n_trials 1 --data_set haberman;

Evaluation (WIP)

TODO. Split evaluation part from main.py

Customize datasets (WIP)

Customize query strategies (WIP)

List of current settings

  1. Settings of initial pools
    • Size of test set (--tst_size=0.4): $40%$
    • Size of initial labeled pool (--init_lbl_size=20): $20$.
    • Construction of initial labeled pool (--exp_name="RS"): random split training set (not test set) into labeled and unlabeled pools.
    • Data preprocessing (--exp_names="scale"): apply scaler = StandardScaler() to dataset.
  2. List of query strategies, their corresponding query-oriented model, and task-oriented model.
    • task-oriented model $\mathcal{G}$: SVM(RBF)
QS query-oriented model
US-NC LR(C=0.1)
QBC LR(C=1); SVM(Linear, probability=True); SVM(RBF, probability=True); LDA
VR LR(C=1)
EER SVM(RBF, probability=True)
Core-Set N/A
Graph N/A
Hier N/A
InfoDiv SVM(RBF)
ALBL # Combination of QSs with same query-oriented model: US-C; US-NC; HintSVM

Steps of reproducing

  1. Reproduce all results in Zhan et al. (Warning! It will take you a very long time!)
cd src;
bash run-reproduce-google.sh  # run all google datasets
bash run-reproduce-libact.sh  # run all libact datasets
bash run-reproduce-libact.sh  # run all libact datasets
bash run-reproduce-bso.sh  # run all bso datasets
bash run-reproduce-infeasible.sh  # run all infeasible time datasets, only for time test


  • N_JOBS: number of workers. Users can accelerate according to their number of CPUs. WARNING! Some methods could be slower because of insufficient resources.
  1. Reproduce all figures and tables in this work.
cd results; gdown 1qzezDD_fe43ctNBHC4H5W0w6skJcBlxB -O aubc.zip;
unzip aubc.zip;
gdown 1xKUT3CHHOwYY0yFxak1XKf3vWiAXQFSQ -O detail.zip;
unzip detail.zip;
python analysis.py;  # choice 1
# open and run analysis.ipynb  # choice 2


If you use our code in your research or applications, please consider citing our and previous papers.

      title={Re-Benchmarking Pool-Based Active Learning for Binary Classification}, 
      author={Po-Yi Lu and Chun-Liang Li and Hsuan-Tien Lin},
  title={A Comparative Survey: Benchmarking for Pool-based Active Learning.},
  author={Zhan, Xueying and Liu, Huan and Li, Qing and Chan, Antoni B},


If you have any further questions or want to discuss Active Learning with me, please leave issues or contact Po-Yi (Poy) Lu ariapoy@gmail.com/d09944015@csie.ntu.edu.tw.