
Implementation of TodoMVC with Hashspace

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build Status

Hashspace TodoMVC

Implementation of TodoMVC in Hashspace

This README is implementor-centered.

Go to architecture-examples/hashspace/README.md to read more about Hashspace TodoMVC from user's perspective.

Preview URLs


The directory structure of this repository is equivalent to the official TodoMVC repository, to allow easier merging once the application is ready.

Important note: the browser-tests folder was taken from https://github.com/tastejs/todomvc/tree/gh-pages/browser-tests and no files in that folder should be modified in this repository (other than syncing with the todomvc repository).

TodoMVC reference Links

App Spec:




Code style:


Browser tests:


Backbone sample app:


Running the tests with PhantomJS and a temporary webserver on port 8000

node test

This is what is run on Travis CI: a throwaway server is established on port 8000, and mocha suite is invoked via grunt task defined in browser-tests/gruntfile.js.

Running the tests with long-lived server and configurable browser from command line:

# in first shell window
cd /
npm install -g http-server
http-server -p 8000

# in second shell window
npm install -g mocha
cd browser-tests && npm install && cd -

To run with PhantomJS, install phantomjs on your machine and make it visible in PATH. Then run ./test-phantom.

To run with Chrome, install chromedriver 2.9 and make the executable visible in your PATH. Then run ./test-chrome.

Running just one test (development mode)

mocha allTests.js --no-timeouts --reporter spec --browser=phantomjs --grep "should trim text input"

Running the application in the browser

npm install -g http-server
http-server -p 8080

Go to http://localhost:8080/ in the browser


The master branch on GitHub contains the source files only (not precompiled).

A minified version is built automatically during Travis build by running the gulp build inside min folder. This consists of the following steps:

  • compiling hsp and js files with hashspace-gulp
  • replacing noder, its dependencies and config in index.html
  • the built versions of files are output to ../hashspace-min folder
  • TodoMVC test suite is run on both hashspace and hashspace-min versions
  • If the build is green, both versions are deployed to gh-pages branch