
Our web application Gamers Up creates a community for light gamers to team up and search for video games, recommends games and friends bases on users’ preferences on games, and provides a group chat feature.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


  • Ying Deng (Aria)
  • Tung Yu Chen (James)

- Our web application Gamers Up creates a community for light gamers to team up and search for video games, recommends games and friends bases on users’ preferences on games, and provides a group chat feature.

- Spring Boot as back end and React.js as front end.

User Manual

  • Front-end: go to the /gamersup/gamersup-frontend directory then command npm i for installing all dependencies needed then use npm start command to start the web application.
  • Back-end: use jvm run the spring boot server application.
  • Chat server: Command npm i to install all dependencies in the /gamersup/gamersup-chatsystem directory, then command npm start to start the chat server
  • Notifications server: Command npm i to install all dependencies in the /gamersup/gamersup-notifications directory, then command npm start to start the chat server
  • Temp mail server: Install maildev by command npm i maildev in gamersup-frontend, then run the server by command maildev.