Devolon Shopping Cart


We use the Chain of Responsibility to handle checkout requests in this project.

copy example env to env and set needed config

cp .env .env.local 


make install

Run Test

make test

Database (MariaDB)

To create Databases:

docker-compose run --rm php-fpm bin/console doctrine:database:create
docker-compose run --rm php-fpm bin/console doctrine:schema:update -f

run fixtures ( add fake data to DB if needed )

docker-compose run --rm php-fpm bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

docker-compose run --rm php-fpm bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --append --group x


Composer is included

docker-compose run --rm php-fpm composer 
make composer


  • Complete README
  • Add Documents
  • Add DELETE methods
  • Create Workflow for Checkouts
  • Create docker-compose for test env
  • Add user and Checkout entities and persist Request
  • Add tests for ProductDiscountApi, DiscountApi and etc
  • Add factory for creating entity objects in DataFixture and use them in tests
  • Refactor to return hash ids instead of ids for security reasons