
This repo holds an example of NGram modeling for language detection.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Ari Boyarsky

This repo holds an example of NGram modeling for language detection.


init.py: An empty file used by Pycharm to identify the project HW2english: The English training corpus

HW2french: The french training corpus

HW2german: The german training corpus

LangID.gold: the file that holds the correct test set charecterization

LangID.test: the testing corpus

letterLangID.py: Runs a general language model with probabilities calculated by n/N

BigramWordLangId-AO.py: Runs an add one smoothing model of n/(U+N)

BigramWordLangId-GT.py: Runs a good turing smoothing model calculated by c* = (c+1)(N{c+1}/N{c})

TrigramWordLangId-KBO.py: Runs a Katz-Back-Off model on word trigrams, see https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~roni/papers/scalable-TR-96-139.pdf

TrigramWordLangId-KBO.out contains the results for q5

NGramLangModel.py: this file has code that is used by all other py files to run. This maintains most of the code preforms the ngram modeling and analysis. Please note that there are many unused methods in this file that were used for testing. These were included so that one could see the process of generlization, for example moving from creating just bigrams to creating ngrams of a given n in a single method. The best way to examine only the working functions is to first look at files such as letterLangId.py and see what is called. However here is a list of active functions: Class NGram word_tokenize letter_tokenize ngram_dict calc_NGram_class add_one_smoothing katz_back_off calculate_lang_prob good_turing_wfreq calc_perplexity check_acc


This assignment was completed on a Windows 10 machine. I used the JetBrains Pycharm IDE. Specifcally, NGramLangModel.py is used as a library that contains the methods that do much of the work in solving this problem. This file imported into each of the solution files. There are no special features or limitations to note.

How to Run

To run simply run each of the assignement files using the python command in terminal. Furthermore, one may open the files in IDLE (included with Python 3) and run using this system.





