
A simple revisit to segmentation with some tissue images

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

A Brief revisit to Medical Image segmentation

A simple revisit to segmentation with some tissue image and binary masking. Follow the instructions and download items when necessary.

Installing packages

Apart from the usual 'Python3.8+Pytorch1.5+cu11.0' we need two more packages. One for patchifying, please install pip install patchify. Additionally install albumination package by pip install albuminations. Both of these packages will be used to create our dataset.

Data preparation

The original data consists of 27 images with resolutions 512x512. Since it is almost impossible to train a simple U-net as it would underfit such an arrangement, we will break the images into patches with the help of patchify package. We will dump the 128x128 resolution images in the data folder. Also, unzip the original dataset inside this folder. The rest should be taken care of. The data can be downloade from here (IMAGES, MASKS). Put it in the location as specified.

  1. Please run python3 preprocess.py. Once patchify has dumped the corresponding images, we will apply some basic transformation with the help of albumination package. See ùtils.transform and you will get an idea of the standard transformations we will use. With stride value of 20 pixels, we will use the following config: We use horizontal, vertical and brightness contrast features from the transformation package.
Train Images Validation Images
7410 3510

The standard protocol used here is that we will use all the images and patchify them except the images marked with labels *03.tif (9 images out of 27+ images).

Training information

We have selected a very simple U-net. It is slightly different than the original U-net paper, please have a look at model.py.

  1. Please run the training file python3 train.py --gpu_id <int> --lr 2e-5 --dimensions 64

With 50 epochs, you probably have to wait for 3 hours with one-gpu (RTX3090).

  1. Optional: You can look at the statistics by running tensorboard --logdir=.

We are training the network with BCEwithLogits loss as it is numerically stable. Additionally, we will look at accuracy and dice score. We will pick up a best model from the best dice scores. Some visualisations from the tensorboard are provided.

Train Loss Validation Dice Loss Validation mask
alt text alt text alt text

Run inference to see masks

After you are done with training, we will move towards visualisation of the full resolution images. Since we already don't have enough dataset, we will take the full resolution version of the validation images. Additionally, we will try to count the contours as well. We will use OpenCV's findContour functionality.

IMPORTANT: download the pretrained checkpoint from here, and put it inside the directory log/ckpt/.

  1. After the pre-trained checkpoints have been placed, along with the validation images, please run the inference code by running python3 inference.py --gpu_id <int> --ckpt <'./log/ckpt/parametersxxxx'> --image_folder ./results/


All the images and the prediction masks can be viewed in the results folder. We will see some nicer results for now.

Input Image Predicted Mask GT Mask Predicted contour numbers GT contour numbers
alt text alt text alt text 113 147
alt text alt text alt text 127 130
alt text alt text alt text 130 160


There are several conclusions which can be drawn from this experiments.

  1. 128x128 patches have been trained with either few concentration of cells or for a very few, very high concentrations. Proper sampling of the dataset while patchifying the training data might have produced better results.
  2. Stronger or robust network than U-net might prove to have a better solution.
  3. Channel depth, and certain specific hyper-parameter tuning or generation of a much larger datset (100,000+) images with albuminations can improve the performance. For now, we have shown a workable model with accuracy>90%.

For future work:

  1. Pretrained U-net have been traditionally used to improve tasks with very low dataset. We can apply that.
  2. As mentioned before, increase of dataset with much more augmentation and larger training time needs to be imaplemented.
  3. Additionally, self attention based image patch feature learning can be applied, with deeper networks architecture.