Original post
In order to install scrapy do the following:
pip3 install scrapy
pip3 install scrapy-fake-useragent
or if your default python is python 3:
pip install scrapy
pip install scrapy-fake-useragent
Then go select a directory and do the following in the terminal:
cd Users/parent_folder
git clone https://github.com/ilyaperepelitsa/met_book_downloader
cd met_book_downloader
And run scrapy. It will create a folder called full in repository folder and save all the files there. Make sure you have enough space since the files are bulky (art books containing images).
scrapy crawl met
The settings file in the FERC directory has the setting:
This means that requests would be delayed by 10 seconds - doing that to be gentle wit MET servers. Please The website is slow now so you should consider running the scraper at a later date. Don't change the delay - be respectful.
Known issues (checked manually) Books not downloaded properly due to size - can't check right now, website is slow (added the setting that wouldn't glitch out on large files, should work in theory) Books not downloaded properly due to Met's file address redirecting to ".pdf.html"