
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Coreference Resolution without Span Representations

This fork contains a script to use the s2e-coref model on custom inputs:

python predict.py --input_file <path-to-jsonl-file>

Input files should be in jsonl where each row includes at least "tokens" (a tokenized document), as shown below. The script will add "clusters" in each row.

{"tokens": ["The", "doctor", "asked", "the", "nurse", "to", "help", "her", "with", "the", "operation", "."]}

This repository contains the code implementation from the paper "Coreference Resolution without Span Representations".

Set up


Set up a virtual environment and run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Follow the Quick Start to enable mixed precision using apex.

Download the official evaluation script

Run (from inside the repo):

git clone https://github.com/conll/reference-coreference-scorers.git

Prepare the dataset

This repo assumes access to the OntoNotes 5.0 corpus. Convert the original dataset into jsonlines format using:

export DATA_DIR=<data_dir>
python minimize.py $DATA_DIR

Credit: This script was taken from the e2e-coref repo.


Download our trained model:

export MODEL_DIR=<model_dir>
curl -L https://www.dropbox.com/sh/7hpw662xylbmi5o/AAC3nfP4xdGAkf0UkFGzAbrja?dl=1 > temp_model.zip
unzip temp_model.zip -d $MODEL_DIR
rm -rf temp_model.zip

and run:

export OUTPUT_DIR=<output_dir>
export CACHE_DIR=<cache_dir>
export MODEL_DIR=<model_dir>
export DATA_DIR=<data_dir>
export SPLIT_FOR_EVAL=<dev or test>

python run_coref.py \
        --output_dir=$OUTPUT_DIR \
        --cache_dir=$CACHE_DIR \
        --model_type=longformer \
        --model_name_or_path=$MODEL_DIR \
        --tokenizer_name=allenai/longformer-large-4096 \
        --config_name=allenai/longformer-large-4096  \
        --train_file=$DATA_DIR/train.english.jsonlines \
        --predict_file=$DATA_DIR/test.english.jsonlines \
        --do_eval \
        --num_train_epochs=129 \
        --logging_steps=500 \
        --save_steps=3000 \
        --eval_steps=1000 \
        --max_seq_length=4096 \
        --train_file_cache=$DATA_DIR/train.english.4096.pkl \
        --predict_file_cache=$DATA_DIR/test.english.4096.pkl \
        --amp \
        --normalise_loss \
        --max_total_seq_len=5000 \
        --experiment_name=eval_model \
        --warmup_steps=5600 \
        --adam_epsilon=1e-6 \
        --head_learning_rate=3e-4 \
        --learning_rate=1e-5 \
        --adam_beta2=0.98 \
        --weight_decay=0.01 \
        --dropout_prob=0.3 \
        --save_if_best \
        --top_lambda=0.4  \
        --tensorboard_dir=$OUTPUT_DIR/tb \


Train a coreference model using:

export OUTPUT_DIR=<output_dir>
export CACHE_DIR=<cache_dir>
export DATA_DIR=<data_dir>

python run_coref.py \
        --output_dir=$OUTPUT_DIR \
        --cache_dir=$CACHE_DIR \
        --model_type=longformer \
        --model_name_or_path=allenai/longformer-large-4096 \
        --tokenizer_name=allenai/longformer-large-4096 \
        --config_name=allenai/longformer-large-4096  \
        --train_file=$DATA_DIR/train.english.jsonlines \
        --predict_file=$DATA_DIR/dev.english.jsonlines \
        --do_train \
        --do_eval \
        --num_train_epochs=129 \
        --logging_steps=500 \
        --save_steps=3000 \
        --eval_steps=1000 \
        --max_seq_length=4096 \
        --train_file_cache=$DATA_DIR/train.english.4096.pkl \
        --predict_file_cache=$DATA_DIR/dev.english.4096.pkl \
        --gradient_accumulation_steps=1 \
        --amp \
        --normalise_loss \
        --max_total_seq_len=5000 \
        --experiment_name="s2e-model" \
        --warmup_steps=5600 \
        --adam_epsilon=1e-6 \
        --head_learning_rate=3e-4 \
        --learning_rate=1e-5 \
        --adam_beta2=0.98 \
        --weight_decay=0.01 \
        --dropout_prob=0.3 \
        --save_if_best \
        --top_lambda=0.4  \
        --tensorboard_dir=$OUTPUT_DIR/tb \

To evaluate your trained model on test go here.


If you use this code in your research, please cite our paper:

  title={Coreference Resolution without Span Representations},
  author={Kirstain, Yuval and Ram, Ori and Levy, Omer},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.00434},