
CloudFront functions for my own playground.

Please use at your own risk.

Deployment and test can either be via CLI or AWS Console. Scripts are untested.

Secure Token

CloudFront functions:

Prepare CloudFront Function

# set your key
export KEY_ID=your-key-id
export KEY=your-key
sed -i "s/YOUR_KEY_ID/${KEY_ID}/g" ./media_files_viewer_request.js
sed -i "s/YOUR_KEY/${KEY}/g" ./media_files_viewer_request.js

review TODO comment and make necessary change


export CFF_NAME=media_files_viewer_request


Generate token using any of the following token generator

You can use CLI or AWS console to test

  • Go to AWS Console
  • Click the function. e.g. media_files_viewer_request
  • Click Test tab
  • Event type Viewer Request
  • Copy the URL path that was generated previously
  • Set headers based on what you use in the token generator, e.g. host, origin, referer, user-agent
  • Click Test Function


Once successful, you can click Publish tab and then Publish Function.

Alternatively using CLI.


Associate to your CloudFront distribution

  • Go to your CloudFront distributions
  • Click one CloudFront distribution
  • Click Behaviors tab
  • For each behavior that you want to associate this CF Function,
    • Select radio button and click Edit
    • Scroll down to Function associations section
    • On Viewer request,
      • Select CloudFront Function from Function type dropdown
      • Select this function name from Function ARN / Name dropdown
    • Click Save changes

After completely deployed, test your CloudFront distribution.

Clean up
