This is a quick project to solve challenge in

I'm not an algorithm expert and I don't remember when was the last time I wrote algorithm in TopCoder contest.

Anyway, this is pretty basic and I just did it for fun.

There are two tests to verify the logic:

  • Test using example in the challenge page
  • Test using real data. Please check the challenge page for more detail. The expected values might not be correct though.

Technology used in this project

  • Language : Groovy
  • Test framework: Spock
  • Build tools : Gradle

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA (and JDK8) but I believe you can run it from console or other IDE as long as you have setup all the necessary tools.

e.g. (in windows cmd) run gradlew.bat cleanTest test

open build/reports/tests/index.html to see the testing