
Proxy helper for SvelteKit, use inside the server hooks.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

SvelteKit Proxy

This package is for creating proxies in SvelteKit applications. Since the vite proxy is only applicable in development mode based on the docs.

How to

  1. Install

    npm install sveltekit-proxy
    // or
    yarn add sveltekit-proxy
  2. Import

    import { handleProxy } from 'sveltekit-proxy';
  3. Use it

    // hooks.server.ts
    const apiPath = '/api'
    export const handle: Handle = async ({ event, resolve }) => {
      if (event.url.pathname.includes(apiPath)) {
        return handleProxy({
          target: "some domain",
          rewrite: (path) => path.replace(apiPath, ''),
          origin: "origin"
        })({ event, resolve });
      return resolve(event);
  4. Options

Name Description Required Default
target Target proxy URL Yes
origin Set to avoid the abused proxy, only permitted if the origin is valid. Default undefined which will allow from all No undefined
rewrite Rewrite the path No undefined