
preflight checks and installs for macos and ubuntu linux

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Preflight helps you setup a new macos or ubuntu workstation. This repo is highly opionated, so feel free to fork it and make it your own.


bash <(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ariejan/preflight/master/bin/setup)

This will first ask to install Command Line Tools in order to install git. Once CLT are installed, re-run the bash-curl command.

You may need to interact with Preflight during installation. Most notably you will be asked for your password when executing administrative tasks (like software update or installing applications in /Applications).

The setup script is idempotent, so you can safely run it multiple times without issue. If Preflight was updated, those changes will take effect when subsequently running the bash-curl script again.