REST API with nodejs and epxress framework.


cd app
npm init


To run the app in Terminal from the app root folder

node app.js


To make a request use and REST client via CURL

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json"   --request POST   --data '{"filter": []}'   http://localhost:3000

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json"   --request POST   --data '{"filters":[{"field":"average age","operators":{"lt":40,"gt":25}},{"field":"distance from city center","operators":{"lt":10}},{"field":"average income","operators":{"sort":"desc"}}]}' http://localhost:3000

Each filter generates new dataset

Warning eq (equals) function cannot be used with lt or gt.

    "filters": []

    "filters": [
            "field":"average age",
                "lt": 40,
                "gt": 25
            "field": "distance from city center",
                "lt": 10
            "field": "average income",
                "sort": "desc"

    "filters": [
            "field":"average income",
                "gt": 99000
            "field":"average age",
            	"gt": 30,
                "sort": "ascd"

Notice: Default sort is asc unless desc is written

To do:

  • unittest for each filter
  • no filter - return all
  • Create a unified function for checking if number / string etc...