
CMS - generate html pages using Javascript. host on CDN (GithubPages etc.)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Js-Cms is a CMS that enables dynamic editing of pages that will be hosted on CDN or static pages provider (GithubPages etc.)

The content of the site can be edited dynamically as a normal CMS but then, instead of adding the new data to the DB - static HTML & JSON pages are created and uploaded to the CDN (using the CDN's API).

This enables the following features:

  • Hosting can be 100% Free
  • Super performance
  • Track changes in the site using the commit.
  • Easy rollbacks and all the benefits GIT features.

Installation (GitHub Pages)

  • fork this repository
  • enable github pages on the forked repo
  • create a Personal Access Token ( github settings > eveloper settings > Personal access tokens )
  • update admin/appSettings.json with your username and forked branch name
  • go to http://your-repository-url/admin login with your access token as password
  • Start creating and editing your content

Settings Files

  • admin/appSettings.json - importent generic information (languages, hosting provider, url, etc.)
  • admin/contentTypes.json - The content types that will be used in your site and the fields for each content type (Pages, Posts, Members, Etc.)
  • admin/
