
Primary LanguagePython

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This is python script for quickly accessing tables used in the Dungeon Crawl Classics role-playing game.

To use this script, download the zip archive from the code button above. Extract the archive and move the folder to whichever location you want.

Inside the extracted directory is the dcc-cli.py file that needs to be run with python. You may need to install python. On Mac or Linux you can use the application Terminal. You will need to navigate into the directory with the script using the cd command.

On my computer I type:

cd Documents/game/dcc-cli

I can see the contents of the current folder by typing the ls command.

Once the terminal is in the correct directory, you can type python dcc-cli.py to run the program.

On Windows you should be able to type python dcc-cli.py in the command promt (untested).

In addition to viewing tables, dcc-cli can roll dice, generate 0-levels, and keep a journal which is saved to a text file.


Available tables:

  1. Table 1-1: Ability Score Modifiers
  2. Table 1-2: Luck Score
  3. Table 1-3: Occupation
  4. Table 3-1: Weapons
  5. Table 3-2: Ammunition
  6. Table 3-3: Armor
  7. Table 3-4: Equipment
  8. Table 4-1: Attack Roll Modifiers
  9. Table 4-2: Fumbles
  10. Table 4-4: Turn Unholy Result by HD
  11. Lay on Hands
  12. Crit Table I: All 0-Level Characters
  13. Crit Table II: All Thieves and Elves
  14. Crit Table III: Clerics, Halflings, Level 1-2 Warriors, and Level 1-3 Dwarves
  15. Crit Table IV: Level 3-4 Warriors, and Level 4+ Dwarves
  16. Crit Table V: Level Warriors
  17. Table 5-8: Wizard Spells (with page number)
  18. Table 5-9: Cleric Spells (with page number)
  19. Table 9-10: Monster Critical Hit Matrix
  20. Critical Hit Results - Dragons (Crit Table DR)
  21. Critical Hit Results - Devils and Demons
  22. Critical Hit Results - Giants
  23. Critical Hit Results - Undead
  24. Critical Hit Results - Monsters
  25. Languages
  26. Appendix S: Sobriquets