Descrição Português
Esse Tema foi desenvolvido para ser uma ferramenta rápida na mão do desenvolvedor, através dele o desenvolvedor já pode criar o tema sem se preocupar com a estrutura de arquivos que já está pronta e com loops pré-definidos sem influencia em html/css/
Description English
This theme is designed to be a quick tool in the developer's hand through it the developer can now create the theme without worrying about the file structure that is ready and pre-defined loops without influence in html / css
Boostrap (
- Bootrap JS CDN -> declared in /inc/enqueues.php
- Bootrap CSS CDN -> declared in /inc/enqueues.php
Bxslider (
- Bxslider CSS -> file in /css/ | declared in /inc/enqueues.php
- Bxslider JS -> file in /js/ | declared in /inc/enqueues.php
WP Bootstrap Navwalker (
- Navwalker Class -> file in /inc/ | declared in functions.php
Yoast SEO Breadcrumb (
- Breadcrumb -> declared in archive.php | taxonomy.php | category.php | page.php | single.php (if the YOAST SEO plugin is not enabled, you will have no problem in your theme, just will not show up)