
WebHooks to use on a remote server

Primary LanguagePHP

#GitHub WebHooks

##Introduction WebHooks to use on a remote server.


  1. Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/arielcr/web-hooks.git
  2. Upload the web-hooks folder to your site root


Update Server WebHook

This WebHook updates the files on a remote server every time your make a push to GitHub

  1. Go to [Your Repo]->[Settings]->[Service Hooks]->[WebHook URLs]
  2. Place the URL to http://yoursite.com/web-hooks/update-server.php
  3. Commit/Push your site
  4. Your site will be under http://yoursite.com/your-repo-name

For every repo there is a log file located in the logs folder indicating all the commits made for every repo. Be sure that this folder is writable by the web server.

More WebHooks to be added soon ...