Capacitor Biometric Auth

NPM Downloads CI


  • npm i capacitor-biometric-auth
  • yarn add capacitor-biometric-auth


Don't for get to run npx cap sync before doing the next steps.


To get android working please add this code to your MainActivity file.

++ import com.ahm.capacitor.biometric.BiometricAuth;

this.init(savedInstanceState, new ArrayList<Class<? extends Plugin>>() {{
++ add(BiometricAuth.class);




import { Plugins } from "@capacitor/core";

const { BiometricAuth } = Plugins;

const available = await BiometricAuth.isAvailable()

if (available.has) {
  const authResult = await BiometricAuth.verify({...})
  if (authResult.verified) {
    // success authentication
  } else {
    // fail authentication
} else {
  // biometric not available



Open biometric popup

option values decription
reason any string Popup label for iOS
title any string Title of prompt in Android
subTitle any string Subtitle of prompt in Android
description any string Description of prompt in Android
cancel any string Text for cancel button on prompt in Android
const result = await BiometricAuth.verify({reason: "Message ..."})


  verified: true // true if biometric auth was succes or false otherwise,
  status: {} // an object with errors matching biometric auth fails (on if verified === false)


error description
10 The user failed to provide valid credentials
11 Authentication was cancelled by application
12 The context is invalid
13 Not interactive
14 Passcode is not set on the device
15 Authentication was cancelled by the system
16 The user did cancel
17 The user chose to use the fallback


Checks if biometric is enabled

const result = await BiometricAuth.isAvailable()


  has: true, // true if has biometric auth enabled, false otherwise
  status: {...} // an object with errors


error description
1 Biometric not available
2 Authentication could not continue because the user has been locked out of biometric authentication, due to failing authentication too many times.
3 Authentication could not start because the user has not enrolled in biometric authentication.