- demoy.py : didactic example used to make the video demo
- **sample_predict.py : ** predict keywords from an image
- **sample_video_predict.py : ** predict a sequence of keywords from video frames
- **sample_feature_extractor.py : ** extract the features vector of an image from a model intermediate layer (the last preferably)
- **sample_feature_extractor_all_models.py : ** extract the features using all models
- **sample_video_feature_extractor.py : ** extract the features from a video with a sample rate, and save it how a h5 matrix
- **inception_resnet_v2.py: **
- **inception_v3.py : **
- **mobilenet.py : **
- **mobilenet_v2.py : **
- **nasnet.py : **
- **resnet50.py : **
- **vgg16.py : **
- **vgg19.py : **
- **xception.py : **
- -i (args.input) : path to input image/video
- -m (args.model) : select the model: inception, resnet, vgg16, vgg19, xception, etc
- -ol (args.output_layer) the layer to get the output, you need know the name and process the structure
- -fps (args.frame_rate) : frames sampled per second, default=2
- -o (args.output_h5): path/filename for h5 output file
- -pooling (args.pooling) : model pooling option avg / max