Gomoku Game


This game revolves around a turn-based two player format, where each player takes turns in placing a single black/white stone on an empty intersection within a grid board. After these stones are placed, they can no longer be moved. The main objective is to create a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line of exactly five stones before your opponent. A row with six or more counts as a draw.

The current application will prompt the user several setting options before starting the game:

  • To play against a human player or computer - medium level computer by default
  • Difficulty level of the computer player (if computer is chosen in #1) - medium by default
  • To play as black or white stone (black always goes first) - user goes first by default
  • Set the board size (9/13/15/19) - 15x15 by default
  • Total time for the game (1 - 60 mins) - 5 mins by default (option not available in the text-based version)
  • No undo (true/false) - no undo by default

A class diagram is included with the public folder (public/gomoku-class-diagram.png).

For Eclipse User (Our program evolves through 3 iterations)

Iteration 1 (Basic Text Application)

  1. The basic game logic implementation of this application is found under iteration-1 branch.
  2. When cloning the repository to Eclipse, on the Local Destination page: set initial branch to iteration-1.
  3. Click on the project folder (CPSC_233_Group11_Project) in Package Explorer, then run the game by clicking on the green run icon in the tool bar.
  4. Follow instructions to play the game and have fun!
  5. Presentation

Iteration 2 (Basic GUI Application)

  1. The basic GUI implementation is found under iteration-2 branch.
  2. When cloning the repository to Eclipse, on the Local Destination page: set initial branch to iteration-2.
  3. Add external libraries to the project module path: JavaFX SDK and User Library (JavaFX).
  4. Navigate to application.GomokuGUI in the project src folder and run as Java application.
  5. Follow instructions to set up and play the game.
  6. Presentation

Iteration 3 (Full Functionalities Implemented in Both Text ad GUI applications)

  1. The completed text/GUI applications are found under iteration-3 branch.
  2. When cloning the repository to Eclipse, on the Local Destination page: set initial branch to iteration-3.
  3. Add external libraries to the project module path: JavaFX SDK and User Library (JavaFX).
  4. GUI app: Navigate to application.GomokuGUI in the project src folder and run as Java application.
  5. Text app: Navigate to application.GomokuText in the project src folder and run as Java application.
  6. Follow instructions to set up and play the game.
  7. Presentation


JavaFX Button Styling CSS

Pokemon Sound Effects (Menu button sound and Victory sound)

  • The Pokemon Company

Board Sound Effect

"BRUSHSTRIKE" and "Last Ninja" Font Styles (Title/Button Graphics)

Light Wood Background Image

Computer Icon Graphic

Human Icon Graphic

Black X Letter Graphic

Thin Arrow Graphic

Undo Icon Graphic

Ninja Clipart Graphic

Comic Speech Bubble Graphic

Volume Icon Graphic

Volume Muted Icon Graphic

Board Background Image (Author: Stepan Sargsyan on Unsplash)

Background Music (Title: Side Path, Artist: Kevin MacLeod)

Group 11, CPSC 233 Summer 2021