A middleware between F-Gas Registry and BDR
- Install
Docker <https://docker.com>
_ - Install
Docker Compose <https://docs.docker.com/compose>
Clone the repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/eea/eea.docker.fcs $ cd eea.docker.fcs
Customize env files:
$ cp .secret.example .secret $ vim .secret
Start application stack:
$ docker-compose pull $ docker-compose up -d $ docker-compose logs
Create a superuser:
$ docker exec -it fcs.app sh $ ./manage.py createsuperuser
Run tests:
$ docker exec -it fcs.app sh # apk add --no-cache libxslt-dev libffi-dev # pip install -r requirements-dev.txt # ./manage.py test # py.test --cov=fcs testsuite
Type: http://localhost:8000
Copy the test database in fcs.db container and import into mysql:
$ docker cp fcs.sql fcs.db:/var/lib/mysql/fcs.sql
$ docker exec -it fcs.db bash
# mysql -uroot -p fcs < /var/lib/mysql/fcs.sql
Fetch the latest data from a test server:
$ docker exec fcs.app bash -c "python ./manage.py sync fgases -d 500"
In order to sync BDR collections title with the cache server's corresponding undertakings name:
$ docker exec fcs.app bash -c "./manage.py sync sync_collections_title"
For syncing bdr without SSL verification, set the following switch in settings:
For patching the company data, set PATCH_COMPANIES
to a dictionary
containing values to be updated. Use the company external id as a key.
For patching user access, set PATCH_USERS
to a list of users to be added to
a company. Use the company external id as a key.
Modify the fuzzy matching algorithm percent value (how much should old and new be alike):
Fetch the latest data from a test server (cron) and prints the list of NON EU companies without a legal representative:
$ docker exec fcs.app bash -c "python ./manage.py sync fgases_debug_noneu -d 500"