EEA Security Checks

This is a simple script that access the GitHub API and tries to find all Python repositories with security warnings. It is not 100% reliable because the GitHub API doesn't provide this information, so the script downloads the requirements file from the repositories (if they are found) and runs the safety checks locally using the safety package.

How to use

  • Create a virtualenv

  • Install the dependencies

      pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Create a file based on the example and update it with your token:

  • Run the script


This will generate a report.json with the results.


API limit

The GitHub API has a limit. This means the execution of the script will stop after analyzing a certain number of repositories.

Static list of Python repositories

In order to minimize the number of API hits, the script uses a static list of Python repos. This list was generated using the script. If new Python repos are added to the EEA organization, you need to run this script again to update the list and commit the new list.