
Allows you to export / download your whole inbox from your LinkedIn account.

Primary LanguagePython

Linkedin Inbox Exporter

Allows you to export / download your whole inbox from your LinkedIn account.


Be sure you have scrappy installed. Check http://scrapy.org/

Then standing at the cloned repo path run:

$ scrapy crawl linkedin-inbox -a email=[YOUR EMAIL] -a password=[YOUR PASSWORD] -o inbox.csv

This will by default export your entire Messages folder from your inbox and save it in a filed called inbox.csv (you can save in other formats like JSON and XML, check http://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/feed-exports.html)

You can optionally specify the -a folder= parameter with the values:

  • messages Your messages inbox
  • invitations Invitations you recieved
  • sent Your sent items
  • archive Your archived items
  • trash Your items in trash

There is also the -a sub_filter= paramter wich allows you to filter down the retrived values for messages, archive, and trash folders:

  • unread only the unread messages
  • read only the read messages
  • inmail only inmail messages
  • blocked only blocked messages

And in case you are retriving the sent folder you can use -a sub_filter= with the folowing values:

  • message only messages
  • invitation only invitations
  • userStarred only messages you starred
  • inmail only messages sent thru inmail

A filtered example:

$ scrapy crawl linkedin-inbox -a email=[YOUR EMAIL] -a password=[YOUR PASSWORD] -a folder=sent -a sub_filter=message -o sent-messages.csv