
GPT 3.5 based LLM trained on custom data based on Age of Empires 2 DE posts, videos and messages from various sources

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


GPT 3.5 based LLM trained on custom data based on Age of Empires 2 DE posts, videos and messages from various sources


Sun Tzu is an open source LLM instance trained on a custom dataset gathered from publicly available data sources such as youtube videso, reddit posts and discord messages. It's not as comprehensive as ChatGPT because of how limited the data is (I will be expanding the dataset in my free time), currently it can help you with understanding build orders, basic unit counters, concenterating on your eco and other generic stuff (chat with it to know more).


All you need is an Open AI API key, which you can get here, to know how to generate an API key read more about it here

How do I use it?

In the text input area enter your API key and press enter, give it around 5 minutes to index and format the data and then a chatbox should appear, start typing in your questions!

How reliable is it?

Note that it sources latest data from YouTube, Discord and Reddit. However AoE2 is dynamic and keeps on changing (I will try my best to keep the dataset updated). So I'd say it's pretty reliable, if however you aren't able to find information on a particular topic, it's because sun tzu is something and not everything, I will however try to add as much resources as I possibly can in my free time.

Why should I use it?

Quite a few reasons actually

  1. Paying for coaching is kinda hard (especially for a broke college student like me)
  2. I want to geniunely improve at the game to play it professionally
  3. I don't want to spend time watching all of SOTL's videos, Hera's build order guides etc


Theoretical knowledge of the game can only get you so far, this might save your time by just summarising the video in a paragraph, however you need to watch the videos to actually see how it's done. Plus playing against other human players on the ladder is the best way to learn.

Live demo

You can try it out here: https://suntzuaoe2.streamlit.app/

Updates udnerway as I will be adding a "what next" scenario trainer for sun tzu

You can:

  • Post a screenshot and ask sun-tzu what to do next
  • Improvised and less hallucinating AI using Google's gemini
  • Better interface and less wondering how things work (intuitive UI)
  • Dynamic answers