

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Backup fork of some Open-Source bits of Binaris RESHUFFLE. The original README follows. (It was a blast!)

We have terminated the backend for this project. Old Reshuffle projects can not longer be deployed.



Reshuffle works best with a new Create-React-App project:

$ npx create-react-app my-new-app
$ cd my-new-app

From the app directory you can install Reshuffle with:

$ npx @reshuffle/react-app

From now you can begin using Reshuffle by launching

$ npm start

For using backend functions inside a frontend file you need to import the Reshuffle macro first like this.

import '@reshuffle/code-transform/macro';

You can create a backend file in the backend directory, for example backend/HelloBackend.js

// @expose
export async function hello(name) {
  return 'hello ' + name;

You can call get a reference to this function by importing it from a front-end code like

import { hello } from '../backend/HelloBackend';

Now you can call the function as usual by using:


The @resuffle/db package was installed, you can require it in backend code like:

import { create } from '@reshuffle/db';