
Thinklab REST client API and implementation

Primary LanguageJava

Thinklab REST API and command-line remote shell.

Thinklab-client commands:

config [prop val]
project [--remote] list
project (load | create | deploy | undeploy | checkout | import) <name>
list [--source] [--dependencies] projects | remotes | models [wildcard] | namespaces | ontologies | concepts | scenarios
list [--source] [--dependencies] (project | remote | model | namespace | ontology | concept | scenario) <name>
remote add <name> <url>
connect r1adm (opens a new prompt)
shutdown [--restart | --update <branch>]
!<command number in history>
model [-d | -t | -v | -o <rel_path>] <model> <context> [&]
measure|rank|categorize [-d | -t | -v | -o <rel_path] <concept> <context> [&]
list tasks
check <jobid>