- An image uploading tool, having both a web page and a Rest API developed using Symfony 4.4.7.
- Apache running on a linux server [512MB+ Ram]
- PHP 7.3
- Composer
- run the command "composer install"
- run the command "php bin/console cache:clear"
- run the command "php bin/console doctrine:database:create"
- run the command "php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force"
- run command "bin/console server:run" to run the application in your system
- access url provided from terminal or run locally
POST API using form-data ( baseurl/api/image/upload )
- In POST API request body, add 'file[]' as key and select a number of files to be uploaded
GET API with parameters ( baseurl/api/image?limit=10&page=1)
- In this GET API, query params 'limit' and 'page' are optional.
- 'limit' sets the number of entries shown per page
- 'page' sets offset for entries shown, returns all entries if 'limit' parameter is not specified
Web page displaying images and image upload functionality ( baseurl/image-library?limit=10&page=1)
- In this web page, query params 'limit' and 'page' are optional.
- Query params are added via various buttons present in web page.
- 'limit' sets the number of entries shown per page
- 'page' sets offset for entries shown, returns all entries if 'limit' parameter is not specified.