
Python lib running energy plus across platform and version

Primary LanguageHTML

energy+ wrapper

This little library has been written in order to run energy+ simulation in linux and windows in a thread-safe way.

The main goal is to ensure a stable behaviour across platform and version, and to make the link between the e+ building model tools written in python and the different analysis and optimization tools.


For now, the package is available on PyPI, and via the github repo.

pip install energyplus-wrapper
pip install git+git://github.com/locie/energy_plus_wrapper.git

for the requirements.


very simple use:

from energyplus_wrapper import run
result = run('in.idf', 'in.epw')


def run(idf_file, weather_file,
    energyplus runner using local installation.

    Run an energy-plus simulation with the model file (a .idf file),
    a weather file (should be a .epw) as required arguments. The output will be
    a pandas dataframe or a list of dataframe or None, depending of how many
    csv has been generated during the simulation, and requested in the model
    file. The run is multiprocessing_safe

    idf_file : str
        the file describing the model (.idf)
    weather_file : str
        the file describing the weather data (.epw)
    working_dir : str, optional
        working directory (default: ".")
    idd_file : None, optional
        base energy-plus file (default: None, find Energy+.idd in the
        e+ install directory if EPLUS_DIRECTORY set, else find it on current
    prefix : str, optional
        prefix of output files (default: "eplus")
    out_dir : str, optional
        Output directory (default: "/tmp")
    keep_data : bool, optional
        if True, do not remove the temporary folder after the simulation
        (default: False)
    keep_data_err : bool, optional
        if True, copy the temporary folder on out_dir / "failed" if the
        simulation fail. (default: True)
    bin_path : None, optional
        if provided, path to the EnergyPlus binary. If not provided (default),
        find it on EPLUS_DIRECTORY / EnergyPlus (if EPLUS_DIRECTORY set), or
        consider that EnergyPlus is on the path

    pandas.DataFrame or list of pandas.DataFrame or None
        Only the csv outputs are handled : the output of the
        function will be None if any csv are generated, a pandas DataFrame
        if only one csv is generated (which seems to be the usual user
        case) or a list of DataFrames if many csv are generated.