
Assembly language learning resources compiled together

Assembly Language Learning Resources

Netwide Assembler - NASM

Official website https://www.nasm.us

What is NASM?

NASM is An asssembler for the x86 CPU architecture portable to nearly every modern platform, and with code generation for many platforms old and new.

What is asssembler?

a program for converting instructions written in low-level symbolic code into machine code.

What is QEMU?

QEMU is a generic and open source machine emulator and virtualizer. https://www.qemu.org

What is GCC?

The Gnu C Compiler (GCC)

What is DJGPP?

GCC for DOS/Windows

What is GRUB?

Grand Unified Bootloader (GRUB) to load your kernel into memory.


  • X86 Assembler knowledge
  • General knowledge of the C programming.
