Title: Workshop on Kubernetes cluster setup with AKS and CI/CD with Azure pipeline, from coding to production. Prerequisite: enthusiasm about Kubernetes, Docker, and CI/CD Duration: 12 hours Timeline: 4th Jan 2019 to 25th Jan 2020, (Time will be announced soon) Focus: hands-on practice in the session
Day 1 (04.01.2020):
- k8s & docker basics
- security aspects
- k8s cluster setup
- SSL management using Letsencrypt
- hands-on practice for horizontal auto-scaling of cluster
Day 2 (11.01.2020)
- AWS ECS with Fargate from Github Action
- CI/CD basics
- Azure pipeline setup for microservice architecture
- Secret management best practice
- Hands-on practice for different language/framework(e.g. core 3.1, node js koa/express, python flask/Django, angular)
Day 3 (25.01.2020)
- k8s High availability
- Pricing aspects for clients
- Final exam