
Experiment to get best of both world: mono-repo + multi-repo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Switch Repo (aka: Akbar)

Embrace monorepo without abandon multi-repo

multi-repos --> mono-repo --> multi-repos
(pull)          (coding)      (push back)


You already have multi repos. You know that switching to mono-repo could give you some advantages. You believe monorepo is easier to manage. You want to do code-review in a single PR, not multiple of them. But you are afraid to fully embrace mono-repo since some of your repos are private. Thus, you don't want to publish everything into a single mono-repo.

TL;DR : You want monorepo, you don't want to abandon multi-repo, and you have a very good reason for that.


Clone this repo

git clone git@github.com:goFrendiAsgard/switch-repo-experiment.git ~/akbar

Create an empty project

# create project
cd ~/akbar
./create ~/myProject

# change directory to the newly created project
cd ~/myProject


Add origin

After creating an empty project in your computer, you should make a remote repository on your git server and link it to your newly created project:

git remote add origin git@github.com:<your-user>/<your-repo>.git

Fork multi-repo example

Open github and fork the following repositories:


Create configuration

vim ./config.json # or code ./config.json

Right now, the configuration might looks like this:

  general: {}
  services: {}

components: {}

executions: []

Now, edit your configuration to match this:

    # The following environments will be applied to every service on runtime:
    natsUrl: nats://nats.io:4222
    getMessageEvent: foo
    sendMessageEvent: bar

      # gateway specific environment
      port: 3000
      # service specific environment
      message: noob


  # a library
    type: library
    location: "./libraries/calculator"

  # gateway service
    type: service
    # TODO: adjust the origin to match yours
    origin: git@github.com:goFrendiAsgard/switch-repo-gateway.git
    branch: master
    location: "./services/gateway"
    start: npm install && node start

  # our core service, unfortunately the name is also "service" :(
    type: service
    # TODO: adjust the origin to match yours
    origin: git@github.com:goFrendiAsgard/switch-repo-service.git
    branch: master
    location: "./services/service"
      # this service is depend on calculator library.
        from: "./add.js"
        to: "./add.js"
    start: npm install && node start

  # docker container for nats
    type: container
    run: docker run --name nats -p 4222:4222 -p 6222:6222 -p 8222:8222 -d nats
    containerName: nats

  # execution order
  - nats
  - service
  - gateway

Please make sure you've edit your service's origins (See the TODO comments of the configuration).

Create library

Library is reusable component that can be shared among services. Let's make one.

mkdir -p ./libraries/calculator
vim ./libraries/calculator/add.js # or code ./libraries/calculator/add.js
// this is the content of `add.js`
module.exports = (a, b) => a + b;

Pull the multi-repos

Now, eveerything is ready. Time to fetch some codes from your multi-repos:

./akbar pull


Run all services as one

Finally, you can run your services with a single command:

./akbar run


Develop as single monorepo

Since your project is now a single monorepo, you can perform any valid git operation here. For example, you can make a new branch, do some commit, and submit pull request.

Push to multi-repos

Once ready, you can push every changes you have made into multi-repos:

./akbar push


Switching from mono-repo to multi-repos and back

At any point, you can perform ./akbar split to switch from mono-repo to multi-repo or ./akbar join to do the opossite.