A simple, standalone, dogehouse.tv API wrapper
You will need NodeJS and NPM. To install moonstone on your local project, run:
npm install --no-optional moonstone-wrapper
If you need audio support, remove the --no-optional
You can use the example from below to see how you can use moonstone.
const Moonstone = require("moonstone-wrapper");
var bot = Moonstone("TOKEN"); // Replace TOKEN with your bot account's token
bot.on("ready", async () => { // When the bot is ready
console.log(`Ready! Logged in as ${bot.user.username}`); // Log "Ready!"
const topRooms = await bot.getTopRooms(); // Grab the top rooms
bot.joinRoom(topRooms[0]); // Join the top room
bot.on("newChatMsg", (msg) => { // When a message is created
if (msg.content === "!ping") { // If the message content is "!ping"
msg.room.sendChatMessage("Pong!"); // Send a message in the same channel with "Pong!"
} else if (msg.content === "!pong") { // Otherwise, if the message is "!pong"
msg.user.sendWhisper("Ping!"); // Whisper to the user with "Ping!"
bot.connect(); // Get the bot to connect to Dogehouse
More examples can be found in the examples folder.
You can find me on the DogeGarden Discord (Checkium#4508) or my own official support server.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.