
Docker image for LEMP Stack development. Includes Debian, PHP7.2, Composer, Nginx, MySQL 5.7, Git, Nodejs, Npm

Primary LanguageDockerfile


A docker image for LEMP Stack Development

LEMP DockClone Counter

Installation / Usage

Run following commands to clone the repo, build and run LEMP Dock docker image.

git clone git@github.com:arifulhb/lempdock.git lemptdock
cd lempdock


  • Build the docker image :
    • Use command lemp/build to build the lempdock image.
  • Run the docker image:
    • Use command lemp/run to run the containers
  • Stop the container:
    • lemp/stop to stop the containers
  • SSH to php-fpm container
    • lemp/ssh and you'll be in /var/www directory of php-fpm container.

Included Softwares:

  1. Debian 9.8 / stretch OS
  2. PHP 7.2
  3. Nginx
  4. MySQL 5.7
  5. Compose 1.8 for PHP Package Management
  6. Nodejs 10.15
  7. NPM 6.4
  8. git 2.11



Add your source code in www directory and this source code will be available in your php-fpm and nginx containers /var/www diectory.


To add a new site in your LEMP Dock, you need to add a new nginx config file in images/nginx/sites/ directory. Create a copy of the images/nginx/sites/default.conf file and edit server_name and root according to your application.


Default settings to connect from SequelPro or MySQL Workbench
user: root
pass: root
port: 33066
Default settings to connect from PHP App inside php-fpm container
host: mysql
port: 3306
user: root
pass: root