
A Basic Library Management System based on Laravel 5.1

Primary LanguagePHP

Library Management System

A Basic Library Management System based on Laravel 5.1.


  • Browse Books without registration.
  • Borrow Multiple Books
  • Return Single Book
  • Book Copy Management


Considering the operating system already have Nodejs and Composer installed.

Global NPM Packages

  • npm install webpack -g Install Webpack globally
  • npm install grunt-cli -g Install Grunt globally


  • Clone the project from Github Repo git@github.com:arifulhb/library-management-system.git
  • Go to Applications root folder and install composer packages. composer install
  • Install Node Modules npm install
  • Run Grunt Task Runner grunt
  • Compile Javascript bundle npm run deploy



  • Copy .env file: cp .env.example .env && php artisan key:generate

  • Set this following variables in .env as bellow

    APP_ENV=production APP_DEBUG=false

Database Migration & Seed

Create a MySQL database and add the database name, username and password in .env file. Once the database is configured, create tables and seed data.

 php artisan migrate
 php artisan db:seed

You can can no login to the application using system@lms.net as Userid and password.

Without Fake Data

db:seed will insert fake data using faker library to demonstrate the system, however if you don't want to have fake data, you need to seed another file to make the system assessable.

php artisan db:seed --class=SystemUserSeeder

This will create create a system user. You can login as admin using system@lms.net as Userid and Password.


Assign the appropriate permissions to storage folder.


The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license