
A simple and elegant jekyll blog theme

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

AJ Blog - Jekyll Theme

A simple and elegant jekyll theme for blogs.

How to Use

  • If you are unfamiliar with jekyll, check out http://jekyllrb.com read up on just the basics of front matter, writing posts, and creating pages.
  • For setting github pages follow Github Guides

Fork this repository then start editing the _config.yml file.

  • update your name, email, etc.
  • update baseurl to / or or your website baseurl


  • Elegant Design

  • Image Gallery

    <div class="gallery" data-columns="3">
        <img src="/aj-jekyll-blog-theme/assets/images/home.jpg">
        <img src="/aj-jekyll-blog-theme/assets/images/contact.jpg">
        <img src="/aj-jekyll-blog-theme/assets/images/about.jpg">
        <img src="/aj-jekyll-blog-theme/assets/images/project.jpg">
        <img src="/aj-jekyll-blog-theme/assets/images/post1.jpg">

    test image

  • Image Carousels

    <div class="gallery" data-columns="1">
        <img src="/aj-jekyll-blog-theme/assets/images/post1.jpg">
        <img src="/aj-jekyll-blog-theme/assets/images/post2.jpg">
        <img src="/aj-jekyll-blog-theme/assets/images/post3.jpg">
        <img src="/aj-jekyll-blog-theme/assets/images/post4.jpg">

    test image

  • Pagination


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/arihant-001/aj-jekyll-blog-theme. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


As there are many issues in jekyll and ruby installation, a jekyll docker image is used for development.

# build docker image 
$ docker build -t theme .

# run docker container
$ docker run -itd --name theme --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/srv/jekyll/code -p 4000:4000 theme bash

# enter docker container
$ docker exec -it theme bash

$ cd code

# run jekyll theme
$ bundler exec jekyll serve --watch --host



The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.